How To Clean Your Kidneys
Cleansing tea is rich in Juniper berries corn silk peppermint leaves and dandelion leaves which will help your bladder and kidneys flush your system and help you digest your food as you sleep. But its important to remember that your kidneys cleanse your blood of waste and excess water and help keep your body in balance. How To Detox Or Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally By Dr Vikram Chauhan Issuu Drink plenty of water Fill up on fruits they are rich in potassium and are good for cleansing Include berries. How to clean your kidneys . Other simple tips which can cleanse your kidney and liver. Consuming fruit juice healing herbs herbal tea and foods every day is a great way to do a kidney cleanse. Detoxify your liver and kidney and flush toxins out by drinking at least 2 quarts of water everyday. Kidney beans are high on fiber and are a great source of minerals and B vitamins that help in cleaning your kidneys and help the urinary tract function better. Kidney beans that have a c...