Animal Cruelty In Zoos Articles
For example lions and a black bear that used to live in Magic World Zoo in Aleppo Syria were abandoned at the zoo to face starvation and injury when the Syrian Civil war broke out. Animal exhibitors use their licenses to operate roadside zoos and petting zoos which are both notorious for animal abuse. Zoo Teams Up To Highlight Animal Mistreatment At Shows The New York Times The exhibition of animals in captivity tells an impressionable public that cruelty to animals can be condoned. Animal cruelty in zoos articles . In zoos elephants are usually kept in pairs or even isolated. Living in a petting zoo causes the animals undue stress inadequate rest periods lack of water lack of proper food and nutrition and forces the animal to live in an unnatural environment where they have to. Animal rights activists would argue that cruelty is cruelty regardless of how common or legal the harm is. Beso GulashviliReuters Some 20 wolves eight lions white tigers tigers jackals jaguars have...