Exotic Pet Laws
Laws are more strict in some areas for endangered animals like chinchillas. Within the United States state laws regarding the ownership of an exotic pet may prohibit ownership entirely prohibit ownership of certain species or require a license or proof that the animal. Lions Tigers And Bears Attract State Scrutiny The Pew Charitable Trusts Torture overdriving exploitation and neglect are all subject to criminal penalties for offenders. Exotic pet laws . 21 states ban all dangerous exotic pets while the rest allow certain species or require permits. Civil penalties ranged from 200 to 2000 in 2008 but there are criminal penalties as well. The fourth main legislation for keeping exotic animals is the Zoo licensing Act of 1981 this was put in place to ensure that any exotic animal kept in captivity such as places like zoos and wildlife parks have a suitable environment and this is done by an inspection and licence in all UK zoos and animal collections to ensure this law is met. ...