Home Made Tomato Cages
Have a cage making party with some fellow gardeners and split the cages and the cost. First when I add my cages to the garden I bury each of the legs of the cages down a few inches into the dirt and press the dirt firmly around them for support. Homemade Tomato Cages For Short Season Tomatoes I usually do a quick google search or use the tag on the plants. Home made tomato cages . Twist Wires to Further Secure. What you are going to do is to place the tomato in the grow bag. See how to easily make the ultimate tomato cage support. Set your homemade tomato cage over one tomato plant in the garden. To start youll need a fabric bag some metal posts and wire fencing. See the simple step-by-st. You dont want it to whip up and perforate or slice your leg or some other body part. When using wood tomato cages in the garden keep the following tips in mind. Insert cages around tomatoes and feel proud. Because the mesh has been stored in a tight roll it is helpful t...