Buying A Puppy From A Pet Store
This fateful decision and the long ordeal that followed made me realize how we the consumers are the ones who perpetuate the demand for puppy mills. Puppy mills kill or abandon the mother and father dogs when they can no longer breed. Why Buying A Puppy Online Is Just As Bad As Buying One From A Pet Store One Green Planet You are Not Rescuing Them. Buying a puppy from a pet store . The most obvious advantage of buying a puppy from a pet store is that you can access it anytime you want. Pet stores are not the source of unwanted pets in shelters. Pet store puppies from puppy mills frequently have a lot of health problems due to terrible sanitation and very little veterinary care. Buying a puppy from a pet store can seem to be an easy option because of the following reasons. Pillars of the community in fact. It cannot be emphasized enough that buying a dog from a pet store or off the Internet is a bad idea. Every pet shop will assure you solemnly that their puppies a...