Healthy Soda Alternatives
Adding too much sugar to the water defeats the purpose of its healthy benefits like the electrolytes that can help to rehydrate and restore balance. Theyre packed with sugar calorie-dense and can have a wide array of negative effects on our health. Healthy Soda Alternatives Cenegenics Boston Flavored water is a great healthy alternative to sugared sodas. Healthy soda alternatives . What are healthy alternatives to soda. Both can be served. 10 Healthy Alternatives to Soda From flavored water to homemade smoothies sip on these healthy alternatives to soda whenever that craving starts to pop up. Mango lychee and calamansi a kind of Asian citrus none of which feature any added sugar. Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic. It helps in quenching the thirst and preventing dehydration. Not to be confused with coconut milk Coconut water is a natural source of potassium and electrolytes making it the perfect t...